146 Participants
December 9-10, 2011. The Nepal Tunnelling Association (NTA) and ITACET Foundation jointly organised 2-day training program on "Sprayed concrete (shotcrete) in tunnelling under Himalayan Conditions" on 9-10 December 2011 in Kathmandu, Nepal.
146 participants from Nepal, India, Bhutan and China attended the training. All participants were satisfied from this training and expected more such training in near future
The training program and internationally renowned speakers were organised by ITACET Foundation to conduct this training.
Lecturers were: Mr. Olivier Vion (ITA-Executive Director of ITA), Dr. Gustav Bracher (ITA-Industry representative and Sika) and Dr. Oscar Marazzini (Sika), Mr. Volker Wetzig (General Manager–Hagerbach Test Gallery), Mr. Felix Amberg (ITACET Foundation), Dr. Krishna Panthi (NTNU) , Mr. Mukhopadhyay (Tam Normet), Mr. Enrico Dal Negro (MAPEI), Mr. Jaymes Khell (BASF) and Dr. Harald Wagner (Expert to ITA Executive Council).
The main objective of this training was to train Engineers, Geologists and tunnel technician working in field of tunnelling on complete technical and practical aspects of sprayed concrete. Other objectives were:
- To learn world wide application of shotcrete
- To learn types of shotcrete and methods of application
- To learn mix design and standard
- To learn technical specifications
- To learn quality control and different test methods
- To learn future development for tunnel lining and associated methods
- To learn planning, design, contract preparation and construction management phases of sprayed concrete
All participants benefited to upgrade their knowledge covering all technical and practical aspects of sprayed concrete and followed state of art technology by
NTA highly appreciated to Royal Norwegian Embassy and Normet, India for their financial support to organise this training successfully.
ITA Lecturers