The ITA-CET committee has developed ready-made programmes for one to two-day training sessions, which can be organized by the ITACET Foundation on request. These programmes can be tailored to meet the client's requirements.
Calculation Methods for Tunnel Design
The objective of this training session is to present the design methods commonly used to assess tunnel stability.
Each method is illustrated by an example. Advantages and difficulties when applied to a tunnel project will be highlighted.
This course requires no prior knowledge or specific skills in numerical simulation or calculation methods as it is an introduction to these issues. Numerical Simulation is dealt with on a more in-depth level in the course programme entitled “Numerical Simulation for Tunnel Design”
Numerical Simulation for tunnel design
The objective of this training session is to provide an introduction to Numerical Simulation in Tunnelling. The seminar will provide a general overview of the different calculation methods, outlining the use, advantages and difficulties of numerical simulation, to be followed with more in-depth sessions on the numerical models and the associated parameters. Finally, examples of application will be given.
The first 2 days are aimed at professionals in tunnelling with prior knowledge in geomechanics.
An optional third day is available giving technical details and practical advice when performing a numerical simulation. This third day is dedicated to engineers who conduct numerical simulation. This course takes a more in-depth look into Numerical Simulation compared to the section on this issue proposed in the course entitled “Calculation methods for Tunnel Design”.
Sustainable Tunnelling
To provide an introduction to the environmental impacts of tunnel construction and the way to adopt a more eco-friendly and sustainable approach to resource consumption. It will also outline the specific issues of the management of excavated material and give more details about methodologies and tools that can be used to assess environmental impacts, especially LCA (Life Cycle Assessment).
Conventional Tunnelling
Information for Tunnellers on the main principles of Conventional Tunnelling, including necessary site investigation, design, construction, monitoring and contractual aspects.
Health and Safety in construction
To provide an introduction to Health and Safety (H&S) in tunnel construction.
The seminar would provide a general overview to be followed by more in-depth sessions on the hazards and risk associated with specific tunnelling techniques, generic safety issues affecting all tunnels and generic health issues arising from tunnelling activity.
The seminar is aimed at Clients, Designers and Contractors.
Immersed Tunnels (2-day programme)
Design and Construction of Immersed Tunnels.
Innovations in Tunnelling
The seminar is intended to give a fairly detailed overview of some important innovative technologies developed in the European project TUNCONSTRUCT (
This four-year integrated project, which finished in November 2009, involved 36 partners from industry and academia and had a budget € 25 Million.
More intensive workshops may be offered on specific topics of interest.
The seminar is of interest to owners, designers construction engineers, supervisors, managers and operators.
Maintenance and operation in road tunnel
Introduction to the process throughout a project cycle from planning, designing, construction and implementation of a road tunnel with specific focus for Owners and Decision Makers, Consulting Engineers, Contractors and others with an interest in Maintenance and Operation activities