The foundation together with NTA - Nepal Tunnelling Association organized a training session on "Risk Management during Design and Construction'.
This course's aims was to provide general information to young engineers and to update tunnelling professionals on topics related to tunnel design, construction and risk management.
Our lecturers for this event, namely Messr. ( R. on the picture) Messr. Harald Wagner, Felix Amberg, Piergirorgio Grasso,and Jian Zhao gave a total of 16 lectures on Design, Construction and Accessory.
A total 218 participants from Nepal, India, Korea and Australia attended the training. All participants actively participated in the training. The feedback from the participants was positive and they have expected more such trainings in the near future.
NTA appreciates the support of ITACET Foundation for conducting this training in Nepal, and also appreciates the generous support of the Royal Norwegian Embassy, The World Bank and Robbins India for their financial support to organise this training successfully.
To know more about this event read the NTA Training report >>
ITA Lecturers