Amitos, Asociación Mexicana de Ingeniería de Túneles y Obras Subterráneas co-organized 29-30 June 2015 with the ITACET Foundation a Two-Day training session on "Mechanised Tunnelling".
The training session aimed to provide general information to young engineers and to update tunnelling professionals on topics related to Mechanised Tunnelling.
The Course topics were presented in such a way to build the basic concepts of Mechanized Tunnelling necessary for professionals. An on site visit was also organized
Eight lecturers delegated by the ITA-CET Committee participated the seminar, namely Messers Lars Babendererde, Alessandro Boscaro, Michel Ducrot Eric Leca, Fernando Molina Metzger, Dennis Ofiara, Daniele Peila and Georg Siebert
The program main topics were: Introduction & Overview , Improvement & Support systems, Operation and Management & Examples.
ITA Lecturers